What was architecture in Medieval India?

The medieval period of Indian architecture reached its peak with the construction of several temples and palaces, patronized by the Palas, Chalukyas, Cholas, Gangas, and Rajputs, each having their own style. During 950-1050 A.D. the beautiful temples at Khajuraho were built. The magnificent palace at Datia, build by Bir Singh, is one of the best examples of Hindu architecture. The palace at Amber was also built in the the 17th century. The Jodhpur fort, with its remarkable bastion, and the old palace are among the best examples of surviving Hindu architecture. The stunning Surya temple at Konark, built between 1238 and 1264 A.D. is an example of architectural excellence.

What is the feudal system?

Feudal system was prevalent both in Europe and in India. It is a kind of loyalty system used by the emperor to pacify rebelling nobles. The emperor was the supreme owner of land and soil. He gave the nobles parts of his estate together with the workforce of the farmers living there and their crops as a 'loan'. In return, the noble, called vassal, had to fight wars for his master, the emperor. Vassals in turn created their own sub-vassals.

How did one become a knight?

The son of a knight became a page, the servant of another knight, at 7 years of age; at the age of 15 he became a squire or an assistant to the knight and was responsible for the maintenance of the equipment and weapons of the knight. At the age of 21, if his knight felt he was ready and had proven himself in the was, the squire was knighted in an elaborate ceremony. They had to be loyal to their lord, protect the weak, and treat noble women with respect.

Why did many cities develop in the medieval ages?

Only very few Roman cities survived the downfall of the West-Roman Empire. Trade settlements grew slowly on important traffic routes as well as near castles and monasteries. These settlements were subsequently given 'town charter's by the rulers and elevated to the level of cities. Annual markets could now be organized, which were visited by traders from distant places. Magnificent town halls universities, and banks were built. In the beginning, the facilities attracted people to the young cities because one could live independently and also pay lower taxes.

Why were women burnt as witches?

People who questioned the teachings of the Christian church in the medieval ages were branded as 'heretics' and were often sentenced to death. The 'heretics' and were often sentenced to death. the pope even set up a special court for the in 1232, called the inquisition. At the end of the medieval age. monks claimed that there were women, in alliance with the devil, who could cast 'evil spells' and wee responsible for diseases  and failed crops. Many people believed this, and when there was a crop failure, they tried to find some witch to blame. If they thought that a witch had been found, she was burnt at the stake.

What was the condition of women in medieval ages?

The women of the Middle Ages were totally dominated by all the male members of their families. Rebellious girls were beaten into submission, and disobedience was considered a crime against religion. Virginity, monogamy, and sanctity of marriage were important social parameters in those days. Women were usually wives, mothers peasants, artisans, and nuns. Some had important leadership roles like an abbess or a Queen Regent.

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