What happens when one takes hard drugs?

Hard drugs, such as heroin or LSD, often lead to addiction the very first time they are taken, Once the Drug enters the body, it immediately creates a need in the body to taken in more of the same substance to induce the desired effect. If the supply is denied, the body reacts with drastic withdrawal symptoms. These include muscle pain, cramps, and blood circulation problems, which can lead to death. Thus, people taking hard drugs can hardly lead a normal life. Their thoughts constantly revolve around how to get the drug again. Since the drugs are very expensive, the addicts often resort to crimes like stealing. Medical help is required to get rid of such destructive addiction.

Where does one get drugs from?

Most drugs, like Ecstasy, are made artificially in the laboratory. Heroin and morphine, on the other hand, have a natural ingredient: juice of the opium poppy, which is grown illegally mainly in Afghanistan and Southeast Asia. The raw opium is chemically changed into heroin in the laboratory. Heroin is a dangerous drug, which causes immediate addiction. Morphine, on the other hand, is not changed chemically; it is used as a strong painkiller in many medicines, but in a very controlled way so that it does not make the patient addictive.

Does Coca Cola contain cocaine?

According to an old recipe, the refreshing drink actually contained a decoction of boiled cocaine leaves till about 100 years ago; but today the drink is free of cocaine. The coca plant, from which cocaine is obtained, grows in the Andes Mountains of South America. The performance-enhancing effect of cocaine was already known to the Incas who inhabited this region. They chewed the levees of this plant in order to ward off fatigue. Today, the drug cocaine is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant. It makes one addictive to such an extend that one no longer finds any happiness or peace in a normal state of mind.

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