How is urine formed?

Urine is a waste product, which is formed in the kidneys after the purification of blood. Kidneys contain millions of very tiny canals, called nephrons, which filter out harmful substances as well as excess water from the blood to form primary urine. This liquid still contains some useful components that are reabsorbed into the body in the kidneys. The remaining fluid that can no longer be used flows through the ureters into the bladder. Once the bladder is full, we need to go the the toilet and relieve ourselves.

What happens when we don not eat?

If we do not eat for some time, we lose weight and feel tired and weak. In the absence of food. the body start using its fat reserves. Once these are used up and if there is still nor or very little food supply from outside, the result is malnutrition. Life-saving processes in the body slow down because there is no fuel/energy to maintain them. We become susceptible to disease-causing germs. We have all seen pictures of children with bloated stomach and very thing legs. The  bloated stomach filled with water is a result of server malnutrition.

What causes diarrhoea ? 

Stress, an unhealthy way of life, bacteria, and viruses are the most important causes of intestinal problems. Bacteria and viruses reach the body via food or water and cause sickness, vomitting, and diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is caused because the body fights against these invaders and wants to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Sometimes, with diarrhoea, we have fever too, since an increase in the body temperature accelerates the healing processes of the body.

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