What differentiates humans from animals?

Biologists classify humans as animals and part of the animal kingdom, like our nearest relatives, the apes, humans are also mammals. Humans have evolved from apes, but there are features that differentiate us from other animals - including apes. These include the upright walk, our opposable thumb, our special ability to communicate by a language, and our highly developed brain. Our brain allowed our ancestors, like the Neanderthals, to invent tools.

Did humans evolve from the apes?

Today, one can think of the apes and humans as cousins. They have common ancestors, but have not descended directly from each other. About 5 - 7  million years ago, a line of man - like apes grew apart, and evolved independently of the other apes. The oldest, almost completely intact skeleton of an upright ancestor of human - the Australopithecus - was found in 1974 in Ethiopia (Africa). The scientists named it 'Lucy'.

Do animals used tools?

Animals do make use of tools for getting food or for protecting themselves. Apes reach for sticks or stones when threatened, seal otters break their favorite food, the shells, with the help of stones, and a species of finches picks our insects from tree trunks, with a long cactus quill. For generations the young ones of animals have watched the traits of the adults and imitated them exactly. Humans, on the other hand, may change the traits according to personal requirements. Humans advance and discover new things by adapting and learning. It is hard to believe that the hand axe made by prehistoric man out of stone has today given rise to sharp knives, chainsaws, and many other things.

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