Puberty starts at about 11 or 12 years of age for girls and around 13 years of boys. This is a phase of development, in which the body and the mind undergo a change. Growth spurts, the production of sex hormones start, girls experience their first menstruation, and boys experience the breaking of their voices. Boys and girls start discovering their own sexuality and emotions run high. The transition from childhood to the adult phase is a special time and has different meanings in different cultures.
How does the body change?
The production of sex hormones results in the growth of breasts in girls, a broadening of the hips, and the start menstruation. In case of boys, the body becomes more muscular, testes and penis increase in size, the production of semen starts, and the night ejaculations begin. This is the time for first loves and understanding sexual orientation. A lot of activity goes on in the brain too. New nerve paths arise, and old ones disappear.
Do only boys undergo a voice change?
Girls also undergo a voice change, but it is not as pronounced as in boys. The larynx in the throat is responsible for the voice and the vocal cord are present inside it. In children, the vocal are short, so that the voice is rather shrill. During puberty, the larynx grows rapidly in boys and one can clearly see it, the 'Adam's Apple', in the centre of the throat. The vocal cords enlarge and become thicker, and the voice becomes deeper. The muscles of the vocal cords take time to adjust to the changes. Till then, the voice 'jump' between high and low tones and is either shrill or deep.
(all picture in my blogs from google image for education purpose, credit goes to google image)
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