What was architecture in Medieval India?

The medieval period of Indian architecture reached its peak with the construction of several temples and palaces, patronized by the Palas, Chalukyas, Cholas, Gangas, and Rajputs, each having their own style. During 950-1050 A.D. the beautiful temples at Khajuraho were built. The magnificent palace at Datia, build by Bir Singh, is one of the best examples of Hindu architecture. The palace at Amber was also built in the the 17th century. The Jodhpur fort, with its remarkable bastion, and the old palace are among the best examples of surviving Hindu architecture. The stunning Surya temple at Konark, built between 1238 and 1264 A.D. is an example of architectural excellence.

What is the feudal system?

Feudal system was prevalent both in Europe and in India. It is a kind of loyalty system used by the emperor to pacify rebelling nobles. The emperor was the supreme owner of land and soil. He gave the nobles parts of his estate together with the workforce of the farmers living there and their crops as a 'loan'. In return, the noble, called vassal, had to fight wars for his master, the emperor. Vassals in turn created their own sub-vassals.

How did one become a knight?

The son of a knight became a page, the servant of another knight, at 7 years of age; at the age of 15 he became a squire or an assistant to the knight and was responsible for the maintenance of the equipment and weapons of the knight. At the age of 21, if his knight felt he was ready and had proven himself in the was, the squire was knighted in an elaborate ceremony. They had to be loyal to their lord, protect the weak, and treat noble women with respect.

Why did many cities develop in the medieval ages?

Only very few Roman cities survived the downfall of the West-Roman Empire. Trade settlements grew slowly on important traffic routes as well as near castles and monasteries. These settlements were subsequently given 'town charter's by the rulers and elevated to the level of cities. Annual markets could now be organized, which were visited by traders from distant places. Magnificent town halls universities, and banks were built. In the beginning, the facilities attracted people to the young cities because one could live independently and also pay lower taxes.

Why were women burnt as witches?

People who questioned the teachings of the Christian church in the medieval ages were branded as 'heretics' and were often sentenced to death. The 'heretics' and were often sentenced to death. the pope even set up a special court for the in 1232, called the inquisition. At the end of the medieval age. monks claimed that there were women, in alliance with the devil, who could cast 'evil spells' and wee responsible for diseases  and failed crops. Many people believed this, and when there was a crop failure, they tried to find some witch to blame. If they thought that a witch had been found, she was burnt at the stake.

What was the condition of women in medieval ages?

The women of the Middle Ages were totally dominated by all the male members of their families. Rebellious girls were beaten into submission, and disobedience was considered a crime against religion. Virginity, monogamy, and sanctity of marriage were important social parameters in those days. Women were usually wives, mothers peasants, artisans, and nuns. Some had important leadership roles like an abbess or a Queen Regent.

What keep us healthy?

A lot of things can keep us healthy: a right amount of sleep, exercise, fresh air, having friends, and healthy food. Eating healthy food means not eating too much and not eating the same thing always. Our food is composed of three components: fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Carbohydrates like sugar and starch, are present in potatoes. We also need vitamins and minerals, such as salt or calcium, to stay healthy. We need to brush our teeth often and keep ourselves clean to keep away the bacteria and remain healthy.

Why are vitamins necessary in diet?

Vitamins assist the body in utilizing the nutrients. They are not suppliers of energy like fats or carbohydrates, but help the body in absorbing minerals such as calcium, magnesium, or sodium required places. Vitamins also help in the correct functioning of enzymes that help convert food into components useful for the body. Since the body cannot synthesize vitamins, they need to be supplied from outside.

What happens when we eat too much?

If we eat more than what we really need, our body converts the excess food into fat and we become bulky and heavy. The skeleton and the joints are not designed to carry too much continuous load; hence, at some point of time the back and the joints begin to ache. Any kind of fast movement becomes tiring and strenuous for the heart and the circulatory system. We get out of breath very easily. Fat People are often the butt of people's joke. Although it is difficult for them they can get in shape again through training and healthy eating.

Why must we brush our teeth every day?

When we eat, small particles of food get stuck between the teeth, giving rise to bacteria. They reproduce and create dental problems like caries. At first, these are only holes in the enamels of the teeth, but as they become deeper they can be very painful. Chewing becomes difficult with bad teeth, and the jaw looks deformed if some teeth are missing. If the bacteria are not removed, they can enter your body through the mouth. The writing of a Greek doctor Hippocrates are a proof that the connection between hygiene and  disease was know 3000 years ago. So, even the ancient Greeks brushed their teeth.

How can we protect ourselves against bacteria?

We do not need to protect ourselves against all bacteria. Some live inside our body and are even very important to us, such as the intestinal bacteria. We fall sick only if there are too many bacteria or some harmful bacteria unknown to the body comes from outside. This can happen easily via cuts and bruises on the skin or when our bodies are weak. Antibiotics help against bacterial infections. Unfortunately, they are not always effective because many bacteria  have already become 'resistant' the them. The best  way to stay healthy is to strengthen our own immune system. A diet rich a vitamins, i.e., fruits and vegetables and exercise in fresh air helps in keeping us fit.

Is playing sports healthy?

Playing a sport is healthy because it trains the muscles, improves blood circulation, and increases the supply of oxygen to the body cells. Improved oxygen supply to the brain improves concentration, and physical movement excites the nerve paths in the brain. We, therefore, become mentally more efficient. Sometimes professionally played sports may cause excessive strain on the body, but leisure sports that are fun can strengthen our immune system and are necessary for our well being.

Why are there wars?

People have always waged wars. Earlier the reason was to expand empires, but today natural resources such as crude oil, ores, precious stones, and even water are major causes for wars. Even religion frequently plays a role, for instance, in the conflict between Israel and the neighboring countries in the Middle East. In modern wars, information provided by the intelligence service is as important as the soldiers and their weapons. Wars are always terrible for the people especially for the child soldiers.

How can one stop wars?

There has to be a dialogue between the warring nations to stop the war. If there is a crisis anywhere in the world, politicians from other countries often try to mediate between the fighting parties. They are often able to convince them to talk to each other and the reach a compromise. This is one of the main tasks of the UNO. United Nations Organization. The UNO can also send their own special troops to the crisis area to bring about peace.

What is a civil war?

A civil war is not a war between two countries, but a war in which two or more groups fight within the same country. They an be either different groups of people fighting against each other or the army fighting against a part of the population. In Iraq, for instance, two different sects Muslims, the Shias and the Sunnis, have been fighting for years. In Africa, civil wars flare up from time to time, usually when elections are to be held or when power has been forcibly taken away from someone. There are problems after a civil war too, because people need to live in the same country with the people against whom they had fought earlier.

How do people survive during wars?

In war zones, people suffer from hunger, cold and fear for their lives every day. Rockets or bombs often explode in the neighborhood. Life still has to go on and people try to adjust with the situation. About 150 years ago, there was 'hand -to-hand' combat in wars. In the First World War (1914-1918), aerial weapons were used for the first time. In the Second World War, complete cities were destroyed by bombs and fire. Today, the enemy is often invisible and rocket are launched miles from their point of impact. Since the soldiers ar not near the war zone, they may not realize the death suffering caused by them.

Who are child soldiers?

It is a gruesome fact that children, sometimes as young as eight years old, are sent as soldiers to fight in civil wars.There are about 300,000 child soldiers world wide, for instance in Africa, in Columbia, and Myanmar. The children may be used as porters, cooks, or fighters. Before sending them to wars the army promises the money and a better life, but the reality is just the opposite.

What does an intelligence service do?

All countries have their own intelligence service. They employ agents to get secret military, economic, political, or scientific information about other countries. Satellites are also launched in space to get information about the activities in the world. News satellites sometimes spy on their own citizens. Pakistan's ISI and the United States' CIA are well-known intelligence agencies. The British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) works overseas to make the UK safer and more prosperous.


Money is a medium of exchange of a certain value, which one cannot consume or utilize directly. Thousands of years ago people exchange useful items with one anther. Later, objects used for exchange, which had a generally known value, were used as the mode of payment. When requirement of exchange increased, the first coins were made, later followed by paper money. Banks took over the money business. They lent money or printed bank notes during a strong inflation.

What was the first means of payment?

Earlier, people paid with 'natural money', i.e. with valuables, useful or beautiful things such as stones, shell, rings, animal skins, pieces of iron, or salt. In Africa and South Asia, cowries were a recognized means of payment- and these are used even today in some islands of the Pacific to make a payment. Natural money was easy to store, count, and transport. That is why, silver and bronze were used in the form of bars and wires and in North Africa, payment was often made with salt.

When did we first use coins?

Coins were introduced as a means to trade items of daily usage in India and China in 6th century BC. In Europe, the Laydians were the first people to use embossed coins in the Mediterranean area starting from 7th Century BC. Coins were very useful in trading. They always had the same size, same weight, and always looked the same. There was no need to weigh them separately because they could be counted. Trading with coins was also done by the ancient Greeks and in the Roman Empire. Alexander the Great was probably the first man to be embossed on a coin.

When did banking begin?

Findings indicate that there were banks in Mesopotamia as early as 2nd century BC. In 1460, banks in the European region were active only at important trading places for changing coins. After 1609 the note-issuing banks came into existence, which traded in bank notes. Trading with notes mainly developed in northern Italy; the word 'bank' is derived from the Italian word 'banca' - which were the tables used by the money changers on trading routes. today, banks also provide loans to people.

Who invented paper money?

The first paper money was probably used in 1024 in China. In Europe, paper money was issued for the first time in 1483 in Spain when there was a shortage of coins. The increasing trade demanded increased payment, and it was inconvenient to pay large amounts with heavy coins. Therefore, banks began to keep coins and to issue receipts - also called as bank notes - for them. These were valid means of payment. They gave their owners the right to demand the corresponding amount of coins from the bank at any time. Similarly, today we have plastic ATM cards issued by a bank that can be used for money withdrawal and other types of transactions, often through interbank networks.


The Homo Habilis our the 'skilfu' humans developed about 2.5 million years ago. They produced stone tools, lived in small groups, and moved from one place to another like nomads, when food became scarce. After mastering the fire, humans wandered to the cooler Europe and Asia. Humans learnt to cultivate the land and keep the cattle and pets. The Stone age ended when humans learnt to obtain metals from the ores.

How did humans discover fire?

Fires in the steppes or bushes scared humans earlier. Gradually, they learnt to appreciate the power of fire. It gave them light and warmth and kept away wild animals. They could harden the tips of wooden spears and cook meat in it. About 700,000 years ago, humans started to protect themselves from a fire started accidentally by lightning. Soon they learnt to produce fire, by striking flint stone and pyrite with each other or by rubbing lumbers. The spark was used to ignite tinder fungus, a kind of mushroom. The discovery of fire is one of the most important achievements of humans. Without it we could not have developed to the stage where we are today.

What did the Stone Age humans feed on?

They collected plants, honey, and bird's eggs, or went for hunting. They drove away the smaller animals living in pits with the help of fires and torches. Neanderthals even hunted for large animals. They made groups of ten or more and killed mammoths, rhinos, or bison from the nearest point with spears. The parts of the animals, which they did not eat, were utilized in other ways. Nothing went unused. Weapons, tools, and jewellery were made from bones, tendons became ropes, and skin and hide were used to make clothes and tents. Even today there are races that live as hunters and collectors, such as the Bushmen, also known as San, in Namibia and Botswana in southern Africa.

When did humans start domesticating animals?

Dog was the first animals to be domesticated by humans 15,0000 years. Humans fed the dog's wolf ancestors and in return they protected them from dangerous animals. Over a period of time these animals were domesticated and started domesticating other wild animals too - sheep and goat in the Middle East; cow, pig, horse , and poultry in Europe; and lama and turkey in America. The domesticated animals provided meat, milk skin, and wool.

How did humans make tools?

In the stone Age, humans chipped off splinters from flint stones with a hard stone and shaped them to make hand axes, spears, and arrow tips or sickles. They then observed that metal ran out of a greenish-blue stone in fire, which led to the creation of copper. In the Near East, copper and zinc were melted since the 4the century BC to make hard bronze, which became the most important material for tools, Weapons, and jewellery. Bronze became known in Europe later. The bronze Age was followed by the Iron Age. Although iron was more difficult to make, it was harder than bronze.

How did the nomads became cultivators?

Humans had been observing how new plants grew from seeds for long time. They used this knowledge about 10,000 years ago and sowed seeds of plants which they could get with difficulty. Simple cultivation devices were made from wood and stone. When the crops became bigger, humans settled down near the fields and created reserves. Instead of looking for food, they now improved the tools and the weapons. As a result handicraft was born, which changed their life style. This period is known as the 'Neolithic Revolution',

Why is work important for us?

We work mainly to earn money, but our work also contributes to society. When we do good work, we get praise for it and it strengthens our self-confidence. Some people are self-employed and some work for a private company or the government. Employees usually have an employment contract with the employer. If the employer terminates employees, they can go on a strike and fight for their jobs.

What is written in an employment contract?

Usually, the responsibilities of the employee are laid down in an employment contract. The responsibilities could be working on a machine or heading a large department. In addition, the employment contract also specifies the number of working hours per week, the salary the employee is to get for the work, and how many holidays the employee is entitled to in a year. This contract can be terminated by the employee or the employer. In most countries, the process of terminating the employment contract is legally defined, and one party must give a specified time to the other party to adjust to the new situation. However, the processes are not the same everywhere and the employer can terminated the employee in a matter of hours.

What does 'strike' mean?

Strike means to 'shut down work'. If the employees are not in agreement with a decision make by the company, they can go on strike and refuse to work. For example, when a large number of jobs are threatened because most work is being done by machines, the employees could go on strike to save their jobs. Many employees are members of a labor union, which is an organization that works for the common good of workers.

Who are self-employed people?

Self-employed people are not employed in a company, so they do not have an employment contract. They earn money for themselves and for their employees by fulfilling orders from companies or individuals. Examples of self-employed people are doctors and lawyers, who employ assistants to help them in their practice. Mechanics, actors, or small shopkeepers are self-employed health insurance and old-age pension is taken care of by the company that employed them, the self-employed have to look after insurance themselves. Self-employed people decide for themselves when they want to work and when they want to take a holiday.

What is illegal working?

If you earn money, you must pay taxes too. For instance, if a mechanic repairs something and gets money for doing that, he must pay a part  of his incomes as tax to the government. People who do not do this work 'illegally'. Illegal working is prohibited because the state is being cheated by not paying taxes. The state pays for teachers, policemen, or construction of roads from the tax money collected. Illegal workers cheat their fellow citizens also because the enjoy the public services offered by the state without paying for it.

Do all children have a family?

Earlier, most people lived in joint families. Children who had lost their parents stayed with their relatives as part of their family. In today's lifestyle, when there are fewer joint families, it is difficult for orphaned children to become part of a family. That is why there are orphanages to take care of these children, and some lucky ones are adopted and hence they find a new family. In a family the children are protected and given emotional and financial support. Apart from having a family, it is also important to have friends.

Why are some parents married and other are not?

Many couples prefer to get married, and then have children. Others do not marry, and live happily together with there children. In some cases, the parents get divorce and live separately. The children then live with one of the parents. If the parent finds a new partner, who may also have children, they often make a new family together.

What is a joint family?

In a joint family, several generations live together. Children live with their grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. Earlier, joint families were quite common, but today they are an exception. In a joint family the workload is shared among the members. In most cases, the parents work and take care of the financial needs, the grandparents take care of their grandchildren, and the elder children either go to school or help in the household or in the fields,

What does adoption means?

Being adopted means that an adult assumes the role of a parent for an orphaned child. Even children, whose parents cannot or do not take care of them, often live in an orphanage and can be adopted. Adoption can be done by a couple or a single person. Adoption is a lengthy process, and it often takes long time till the child gets a new home. A lot of checks are done before the parents are given permission to adopt a child: Do the adopting parents have adequate space for the child? do they have enough money for the child? Can they provide a healthy, stable family? The only important thing is that the child should grow up with security.

Why are friends important?

One can have fun with friends who have the same interests and hobbies. Friends ply together and often go to the same school. One can share certain secrets with friends, which one would not share with parents or siblings. Friends need not be of the same age and children can also have adults as Friends. There should be a good understanding and mutual trust among friends.

What is a baby flap?

Sometimes a woman feels unable to cope with her newborn baby, and thinks that it would be better if someone else takes care of the baby. Mothers like these an anonymously leave their babies in 'baby flaps' provided in some European hospitals. The babies left in the baby flaps are considered to be orphaned and can be adopted by new parents.

Why is there a king in some countries and not in others?

Different countries are governed by different systems. The form of government in which a king or a queen is the head of the state is known as monarchy. In monarchies too, there is usually a democratically elected government; the king or the queen has limited powers. A dictatorship is defined as a form of government in which the country is ruled by and individual, the dictator. Dictators often come to power with the help of the military and do not allow any division of their powers. However, forms of government can also change.

What does 'democracy' mean?

In a democracy decisions are taken by simple majority votes. Like in a school or a family, if people do not agree on a certain issued, a decision is often taken by majority votes. Citizens of a country can also elect their representatives in this way. In absolute monarchies election of the monarch is hereditary, and generally no voting is done. In dictatorship, the ruler gains power by force or military help. The citizens usually do not dare to oppose their leader.

What is the job of a monarch?

Earlier, the monarchs were the undisputed rulers of a country, but today their role is mostly that of cultural representatives. They represent the country on state visits and are an image of national unity, pride, and identity. They also sing the laws passed by the parliament. Often the monarchs work for good cause or request donations for a certain charity. Usually, they have no real power to influence political decision-making. Only in a few countries like Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Swaziland, and Jordan does the king have full executive power.

What happens when one takes hard drugs?

Hard drugs, such as heroin or LSD, often lead to addiction the very first time they are taken, Once the Drug enters the body, it immediately creates a need in the body to taken in more of the same substance to induce the desired effect. If the supply is denied, the body reacts with drastic withdrawal symptoms. These include muscle pain, cramps, and blood circulation problems, which can lead to death. Thus, people taking hard drugs can hardly lead a normal life. Their thoughts constantly revolve around how to get the drug again. Since the drugs are very expensive, the addicts often resort to crimes like stealing. Medical help is required to get rid of such destructive addiction.

Where does one get drugs from?

Most drugs, like Ecstasy, are made artificially in the laboratory. Heroin and morphine, on the other hand, have a natural ingredient: juice of the opium poppy, which is grown illegally mainly in Afghanistan and Southeast Asia. The raw opium is chemically changed into heroin in the laboratory. Heroin is a dangerous drug, which causes immediate addiction. Morphine, on the other hand, is not changed chemically; it is used as a strong painkiller in many medicines, but in a very controlled way so that it does not make the patient addictive.

Does Coca Cola contain cocaine?

According to an old recipe, the refreshing drink actually contained a decoction of boiled cocaine leaves till about 100 years ago; but today the drink is free of cocaine. The coca plant, from which cocaine is obtained, grows in the Andes Mountains of South America. The performance-enhancing effect of cocaine was already known to the Incas who inhabited this region. They chewed the levees of this plant in order to ward off fatigue. Today, the drug cocaine is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant. It makes one addictive to such an extend that one no longer finds any happiness or peace in a normal state of mind.

Why are drugs considered dangerous?

Earlier, the term 'drugs' referred to dried parts of plants that had an intoxicant effect and were used for medicinal purposes. Today, the term also includes those substances which induce a stage of dreamy forgetfulness and are thus often used by people who want to temporarily escape from reality. 'Soft drugs', such as alcohol or tobacco, which are found in cigarettes or cigars, can be purchased anywhere; however, they too can be injurious to health if taken in excess. In contrast, 'hard drugs', such as heroin or cocaine, are prohibited. But they are still smuggled across borders from the countries where they are produced.

Why do smokers find it difficult to quit smoking?

Like every drug, smoking too is addictive. The body gets used to it and needs it constantly. Smokers get addicted to the ingredient nicotine that has a stimulating as well as a calming effect on the brain. Therefore, it is not so easy for habitual smokers to give up the habit. This is the reason why people should avoid smoking. Tobacco advertising is now prohibited in many countries, so that people do not get misled. In addition, smoking in public places is also banned.

Why should we avoid taking alcohol in excess?

Everyone knows that drinking alcohol in excess is unhealthy. But only a few know that an excess of alcohol can damage the nerve and brain cells and disturb the person's sense of balance and perception. Long-term drinking can lead to permanent damage of internal organs. Slowly the entire body is poisoned and the organs stop working normally. Alcohol has the most damaging effect on the liver, whose task is to remove the toxins from our blood. Alcoholics are considered serious patients needing medical help.

Is our brain bigger than that of dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs had small brains, much smaller than the human brain. The dinosaur brain often weighed only a thousandth of their huge body mass. An adult human brain is about one-fifth of its body mass, on an average around 1400 g. Since the early hominid creatures, whose skeletons were found in Africa, the brain mass of humans has increased threefold. In comparison, the size of the brains of other mammals has hardly changed in the course of millions of years.

Who were the Neanderthals?

The Neanderthals were people who lived 130,000 – 30,000 years ago, but then died out due to unknown reasons, One theory is that other lines of humans were stronger and eliminated them. The Neanderthals were about 1.70 m tall, had a heavily build body and were very powerful. They needed this power and strength to hunt woolly mammoths and rhinoceros with their home-mad spears and knives. They made clothes of animals skins, lived in caves, and used fire. Their name is derived from the place where their remains were found, the Neander valley near Dusseldorf.

What is so special about our thumb?

Unlike other animals, our thumb is opposable, which means that it has free movement and can be placed opposite the fingers of the same hand. This helps us to grip things securely and lets us do delicate jobs like threading a needle. Our grooved fingertips prevent smooth things from slipping away. This movement of the hand, combined with the freely moving shoulder joint and the upright posture, gave our ancestors a development advantage: tools or weapons could be used for a specific purpose with great power.

What differentiates humans from animals?

Biologists classify humans as animals and part of the animal kingdom, like our nearest relatives, the apes, humans are also mammals. Humans have evolved from apes, but there are features that differentiate us from other animals - including apes. These include the upright walk, our opposable thumb, our special ability to communicate by a language, and our highly developed brain. Our brain allowed our ancestors, like the Neanderthals, to invent tools.

Did humans evolve from the apes?

Today, one can think of the apes and humans as cousins. They have common ancestors, but have not descended directly from each other. About 5 - 7  million years ago, a line of man - like apes grew apart, and evolved independently of the other apes. The oldest, almost completely intact skeleton of an upright ancestor of human - the Australopithecus - was found in 1974 in Ethiopia (Africa). The scientists named it 'Lucy'.

Do animals used tools?

Animals do make use of tools for getting food or for protecting themselves. Apes reach for sticks or stones when threatened, seal otters break their favorite food, the shells, with the help of stones, and a species of finches picks our insects from tree trunks, with a long cactus quill. For generations the young ones of animals have watched the traits of the adults and imitated them exactly. Humans, on the other hand, may change the traits according to personal requirements. Humans advance and discover new things by adapting and learning. It is hard to believe that the hand axe made by prehistoric man out of stone has today given rise to sharp knives, chainsaws, and many other things.

What is a chain reaction?

Chain reactions are modifications in the composition of the atomic nucleus. The nucleus of a uranium atom, for instance, can be split by bombarding with neutrons. A lot of energy is released in the process. The fragments that arise as a result of the initial reaction fly off at a high speed and collide with the neighboring nuclei, which get split in turn. The whole process takes place as long as the present mass of uranium is split. An enormous amount of heat is released when several nuclei are split at once. This can lead to explosions. For this reason, this chain reaction is initiated in a controlled way in nuclear power plants.

How do atomic power plants works?

In atomic power plants - APP in short the chain reaction of the uranium decay is allowed to run in a controlled way. The uranium rods in the reactor, which are bombarded with neutrons, are dipped in water, which slows down the neutrons and helps achieve a controlled nuclear fission.  In addition, the fuel rods heat up the water to about 330 dC. This heat is transferred in a heat ex-changer to a second, non-radioactive water circulation, where the hot water evaporates and drives stream turbines. the energy is converted into electricity by means of the connected generators similar to other power plants.

Why are atomic power plants considered dangerous?

Nuclear energy is a clean energy source as it does not produce any waste gases that pollute the environment. It is available in abundance on the Earth, but is still considered dangerous. People are afraid of an MCA ('maximum credible accident' or worst-case scenario), something like Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan in March 2011 and Chernobyl in Ukraine in 1986. In both cases, the chain reaction went out of control and resulted in explosion. As a result, hazardous fission products were released in the air exposing people to harmful radiations. Problems are also faced in the normal operation, but precautions are taken to avoid any mishap. the used up fuel rods must be treated or stored at a secure place.

(All image in my blogs taken from google image so credit goes go google)